Search results

(201 - 220 of 157,444)


[Unidentified cowgirl contestant wearing "Mara" sash on horse]
Rodeo clown Bill Shaw Bull fighting
Wayne Herman on Laramie
Vivian White Trick Riding
Jim Richards on Mr. Justin
[Unidentified Cowboy off bronc with right hand in dirt right foot still in stirrup]
Mickey Young on Tom Thumb
[Bronc throwing cowboy over his head, head-first to the dirt]
Jess Knight on Golden Rod
Gene Rambo on Piute
Bob Loren  #2
Darrel Hoss on Elvis
Charmayne James Barrel racing
Mr & Mrs Sturza  (Pose)
Ed Papra on "Two Step" North Platte Round-Up
Tom Peterson on Bull #777
JE Ranch Rodeo, Curley McCall Riding "Patches" over Auto
Buster Ivory on Little joe
Doug Clark Calf roping
Reba McEntire
