Search results

(201 - 220 of 4,925)


Ollie Osborn on 'Silver Tip' Alan Stampede
[Unidentified Cowgirl hanging under the belly of the horse, back to ground head toward rear]
J. W. Harris on "Gold Spot" Tucson, Ariz.
Leonard Stroud Roping
[Unidentified little girl atop horse]
[Unidentified Cowboy on horseback with an unidentified cowgirl on horseback either side]
R. H. Reynolds Bulldogging, Cheyenne Frontier Days 1926
A Close Call for Jonnie Schneider
[A hatless Bill Linderman riding and staying with his mount in front of stands]
Ralph Collier on Spider Geo. V. Adams Rodeo Memphis Fair
Luther Marsh on "Pinto Pete" Wichita Falls Rodeo
Andy Curtis on "Red Snapper" Pampa Rodeo
John Smith Leaving "Snakes" Midland Empire Fair & Rodeo
Paddy Ryan
[Unidentified Cowboy riding bronc]
Melvin Weasa on "Little Hawk" Wolf Point Stampede
Joe Orr
Mabel Strickland on "Stranger"
[Unidentified little girl on horse jumping over poles]
