Search results

(2,441 - 2,460 of 2,544)


Chas. Underwood on Bull #100
Jack Ward on Smoke Signal
Kevin Cook on Bull #11
Sandy Kirby on Hangover
Tulsa, Okla [Group photo of Foghorn Clancy, 8 men, 1 woman at a banquet]
Darryl Jones on Coonskin
Unidentified specialty act
Mel Coleman on Nine Bar
Unidentified Steer wrestler
Bobby Clark-Goose mobile
Deena Wheaton Barrel racing
John Quintana on Bull #777
Bill Reeder Calf roping
Chick Elms on Jack Daniels
Wayne Spencer Calf roping
Donnie Gay on Bull #777
Marilyn Duplissey Barrel racing
Dean Thornburry on Bull #00
Vic Fye on Bull #44
Joihn Mundorf on Penny Pepper
