Search results

(2,561 - 2,580 of 2,662)


Brian Weaver on Bull #9
Rick Carpenter on Cry Baby
Beverly Matheson Barrel racing
Chas. Sampson on Bull #11R
Unidentified Goat tying participant
Unidentified Barrel racers
Unidentified group
Ken Esther on Bull #A33
Unidentified Barrel racer
John Davis on TC
Bill Turbyfill on Teacher's Pet
Unidentified group of award winners
Kay Vamvoras Barrel racing
Leander Frey on Bull #00
Unidentified Bull rider on unknown mount
Jody Tatone on TC
Unidentified rider in Pole bending event
Marvin Shoulders on Bull #27
Unidentified Calf ropers
Unidentified Calf roping participant
