Search results

(281 - 300 of 157,444)


Rodeo clown Rex Dunn specialty act
Max Conner on #9
Hoss Allen  (Posed)
Rodeo clown Kenny Watson Bull fighting
Sam Clifford on Texas Tex
[Unidentified cowgirl on horse with row of houses behind]
[Autry at microphone, four-member band behind and man in jodhpur pants holding champion]
Nestea awards, Unidentified participants
Paul Luchsinger Steer wrestling
3 Men - Karkin, Bob Jones, Warren Ison
Alex Dick off Impossible Ike
Melvin Mayor off Streak, Bareback
Trailer Race
Gene Autry award, participants unknown
Trailer in Auto Court
Larry Scott on Buster Brown
Merrill Hanson Calf Roping
Lonnie Cantrell Steer wrestling, 4.7 Sec
Jimmy Gardner on Matt Dillon
