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(281 - 300 of 410)


[Happy woman with flowers in her hair] 756/4
True blue
[Woman posed in sequined gown with sequined hat]
Wilson Hurley-One Man Show Opening-Dec. 1977
N.N. Raewsky I
Aus der guten alten zeit
[Woman posed in simple white gown]
[Woman in lace camisole on her bed]
[Woman posed in ruffled and sequined dress in faux outdoor setting] 605/1
[Girl in costume with cookware & food]
[Woman posed in sequined dress with hands behind her head] 475/1
[Two women posed together on a settee] 1336/3
Mr. Reaugh's art class, Dallas
[Woman posed in simple blue dress] 1031/3
[Woman posed in ruffled and sequined dress in faux outdoor setting] 605/2
[Woman with a large hat seated on a settee]
[Woman posed in beaded gown with leg showing]
[Two women posed together on a settee] 1336/5
