Search results

(301 - 320 of 388)


Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Wick and bull
Rodeo clown Jon Taylor
Buddy Heaton on His Buffalo
[Unknown Rodeo clown]
Unknown Rodeo clown
Bob Lester on Bull #037
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Rodeo clown Jon Taylor specialty act
Bill Lane Clown jumping over "Droopy"
J.E. Ranch Rodeo Clowns
Wick Peth & Jerry Olsen
Wilbur Plaugher holding bulls tail
John Routh on his ass
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Clark and Arline Shultz
O'Neill Twins & Skimmilk, Las Vegas, Nev., 1939
