Search results

(321 - 340 of 389)


Rodeo clowns Rick Young & Leon Coffee
Walt Bowen getting wet
Rodeo clowns in the Mud
Rodeo clowns in the Mud
John Taylor & Kids
Bunky Boger & Kajun Kid Rodeo clowns
Rodeo clowns Rick Young & Leon Coffee
Rodeo clown Jon Taylor specialty act
Group portrait Kajun Kid & John Routh
Rodeo clowns & Ed Aldrich in mud
Red Sublet [sic] "In the Good Old Summer Time"
Red Sublett on Topsy
Slim Pickens & Zeke Bowery, Red Bluff, 1948
[Unidentified rodeo clown being pulled up by suspenders by horse]
[Unidentified rodeo clown sitting on back legs of a mule lying on its back]
[Jimmy Nesbitt & John Lindsey shaking hands]
[Unidentified man using whip on or near unidentified rodeo clown]
Rodeo clown Rick Young
Jimmy Nesbit and Mule "Billy Sunday"
Bobby Clark  (3 Fighters)
