Search results

(3,881 - 3,900 of 3,938)


[Unidentified older cowgirl posed by horse]
[Unidentified cowgirl on horse with row of houses behind]
[Five unidentified cowboys standing in line in front of low shrubbery]
[Unidentified Cowboy riding bronc]
These Brahma Bulls of "Homer Todd" will have their little joke, Okla Free State Fair Muskogee
[Two men on horseback (One probably Autry on Champion) other riders and cars in background]
Frank Duce Leaving "Pearl Harbor" Billings Mont.
Jack Johnson on "Buster" Colo State Fair, Pueblo
[Unidentified Cowboy riding bronc]
[Possibly Everett Colborn and Ava Colborn moving down trolley car tracks]
Denny Lawson on "Ponge" Cheyenne Frontier Days, 1926
Geo. Bailey Leaving "Sour Kraut" Ark-Okla Rodeo
Phil Emery Leaving "Sunbeam" Livingston Round-Up
[Ten Indian marching band members with instruments and one man in business clothes near car]
Bert Weems Bulldogging Fullerton Rodeo
[Unidentified Cowgirl in hair net riding bronc]
[Possibly Margie Greenough, unidentified cowboy, Turk and Alice Greenough in front of chutes]
[Possibly Tom and Junior  Eskew horseback in front of building]
[Group of eight cowgirls and cowboys on horseback in tall grass]
Maynard Hunter on "Brown Jug" Great Falls, Mont.
