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(41 - 60 of 130)


J.E. Ranch Rodeo Waverly, N.Y. Bill Parks pick-up man
J.E. Ranch Rodeo Waverly, N.Y. J R. Eskew hazing
J.E. Ranch Rodeo Waverly, N.Y. Buck Dowell, 1939
Foghorn Clancy 1-10-42
J.E. Ranch Rodeo Clowns
J.E. Ranch Rodeo Syracuse, N.Y., late 1930's
Madison Square Garden Rodeo and a box of "Big Apples"
Trick riding J.E. Ranch Rodeo Waverly, N.Y. 1939
[Cowboy leaving saddle bronc]
J.E. Ranch Rodeo Syracuse, N.Y., 1930's
[Fog Horn Clancy and others at WHN radio]
Hugo Strickland a great bronc rider in the 1920's
J.E. Ranch Rodeo, Waverly, N.Y. 1940's
