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(41 - 60 of 3,919)


[Three older men on horseback riding down crowded city street with other riders far ahead]
Edward Bearskin on "Percy Lewerton" Wolf Point Stampede
McLaughlin Bros Trick Ropers Gene 4 years old Don 6
[Unidentified rodeo clown riding and jumping mule over wheelbarrow]
Louis Tindall
[Possibly Clark Ryser spinning vertical rope loop and skipping through same]
Opal Wood Trick Riding Duncan Okla. Rodeo
John Burnett Leaving "No Name" Little Rock Rodeo
[Unidentified Cowboy and Cowgirl on horseback & side by side leading group of others down street]
Wyoming & Elsie Bix King Bro's Rodeo
Jack Shields Leaving "The Flying Dutchman" Billings Fair & Rodeo
[Unidentified Cowboy about to leave bronc as Rodeo clown looks on]
[Doubleday with Camera]
Some of the Cowgirls at Johnson's Rodeo, Harlingen, Tex.
Smith's High Jumping Pony Oklahoma State Fair
Earl Thode 1st Prize 1927 Cheyenne Wyo.
