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(41 - 60 of 90)


[Indian women sitting on ground watching the cattle butchering in corral]
[Two young Indian boys getting water at well pipe/faucet]
Basket ball team of Carson School
[Two Indian women standing with backs to dilapidated building]
[Possible Apache wikiup covered with canvas]
[Indian women standing, waiting amidst a cluttered background]
[Standing blanketed Indian woman in profile toting burden basket & opening a can]
Deaf Bull, June 1899, Crow Agency, Montana
Sioux Indian from Cherry Creek, Cheyenne River Agency, S.D., June 1899
[Bearded possible government agent standing beside Indian man wearing necklace on boardwalk]
White Swan, Reno's Scout, Crow Indian, Crow Agency, Montana, 1899
[Possible section of a dam]
[Indian women and children sitting on ground in circle at social event]
A Young Crow June 1899, Crow Agency, Montana
Pima Squaw Grinding Wheat, April 1902
Pottwatomie Boarding School Boys, Nov. 1899
