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(41 - 60 of 60)


Frontiersman with a Whiney-Burgess-Morse lever-action repeating rifle
A fine pair in the world's finest buffalo herd
Worth three and four thousand dollars a head
Protesting with all his mighty strength.
Yards at Ravalli made famous by the buffaloes
Monster buffaloes estimated to weigh 2,000 pounds.
Wild buffaloes swimming Pend d'Oreille River
Crow Indian girls in their elk teeth dresses
A Camp of the Blackfeet Indians
Cowgirls at the Butte Mont. Rodeo
A Picturesque Figure at Crow Fair
Buffalo refuses to be unloaded
Bear Chief and His Hudson Bay Coat
Ken Madland on Black Gold
Johnny Jordan Jr. - Posed - Butte - By Helen
Buffalo Refuses to be Unloaded
Elliott Calhoun on Maverick
Marvin Holmes 0n Pale Face
Pete Gill on Copper
