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(41 - 60 of 138)


Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies - Atmosphere
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies - Atmosphere
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies
Part of crowd [at] K.C. Liberty Memorial dedication
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies - Atmosphere
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies - Atmosphere
Dedication and Grand Opening Ceremonies - Atmosphere
[Fountains, water, Spectators, & several Flags]
[Indian man and boy standing in front of tipi]
