Search results

(41 - 60 of 221)


Vern Smith on Bull #72
Larry Hall off #2 (Dennis the Menace)
John Miller Steer roping
Roady Keenan on Bareback #T4
Kay Proctor Barrel racing
Rodney Rogers on Bull #52
Glen Ford on Bareback #K15
Miles Hare, Rodeo clown, Bull fighting with Bull #H
Sam Perkins on Bareback #9
Dick Claycomb on #5
Scott Bloxhan on Saddle bronc #V6
Larry Cohorn Calf roping
Pink Peterson on Starlite
Harry Lynn
Scott Rafferty on Bull #T2
H.D. Hutchins Steer roping
Miles Hare, Rodeo clown, Bull fighting with Bull #H
Butch Morgan Steer roping
Darwin Haskins on Bareback #K3
