Search results

(41 - 60 of 243)


Earl Stover and his Mule
Grand entry
Mike Hearing on King Fish
Keith Cosgrove Calf roping
Doug Janke Steer wrestling
Mike (truck driver) on Bull #102
Unidentified Steer wrestler
Shorty Garten on Bull #8
Julie Williamson Barrel racing
Gary Johnson Calf roping
Stover & his Mule Taking a Rest
Unidentified rider on unknown mount
Paul Scholtz on unknown mount
Nancy Womack
Slick Ware "The Clown" on "Jingle" Okla Free State Fair Muskogee
Lonnie Wyatt on Bull #102
One of Homer Todd's Nice, Gentle Brahma Steers, Okla. Free State Fair Muskogee
Rick Stull on 9 Bar
Bud McDaniels on "Strawberry Roan" Free State Fair, Muskogee, Okla.
