Search results

(41 - 60 of 381)


Jim Schumacher in Barrel
Jimmy Nesbitt and Mule "Billy Sunday"
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
[Unknown Rodeo Clown]
Jimmy Nesbitt and Mule "Billy Sunday"
Clowns, Wick Peth & Chuck Henson
Pinky & his Hat Rack
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Wick and bull
Rodeo clown Jon Taylor
Buddy Heaton on His Buffalo
[Unknown Rodeo clown]
Unknown Rodeo clown
Bob Lester on Bull #037
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Rodeo clown Jon Taylor specialty act
Bill Lane Clown jumping over "Droopy"
