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(521 - 540 of 157,444)


[Unidentified Cowboy holding rope away from body atop horse between car and truck]
Bob Bonsall Steer wrestling
Bud Linderman Steer Wrestle
Mel McKay off #96
Brad Lahman Steer wrestling
Billy Boag on #14
Indian Queen & Princesses
Bud Rothrock on Climax
Montie Montana 6 Horses Catch
Billy Keen Doing Roman Jump Over Auto J E Ranch Rodeo
[Cowgirls with California Frank's rodeo]
John Burnett Takes Bad Spill at the Fla. Cow Capital Round Up, Kissimmee
Blake Antle on Bull #F02
Just One of the Bramahs Billings, Mont. Fair & Rodeo
Dave Campbell Steer Wrestle
Danny Torricellas Calf roping
Sonny Davis Steer roping
Buck Abbott on Big Red
Jim Shoulders & Buford
