Search results

(561 - 580 of 157,444)


Rick Whorton on Miss KC
Blair Goynes down on Two Gun
Butch Kirby on Gator
Gary Hemsted on Sippin' Velvet
B. Gwaltney off Pinto Pete
Robt. England on Rusty
Lee Harris on #54
Bob Elliott off #14
Parade, downtown North Platte
Bill Zipf Calf roping
Waley Cathey on Bull #14
Unidentified Jaycee
[Unidentified Cowboy in narrow striped pants on horse with thick mane; chutes and cowboys behind]
Rick Austin on Mighty Mite
[Mamie Francis' midget assistant sitting atop mule]
Rich Rule on Bull #9+
Bill Kornell on News Flash
Gib Stratton off 22
Bobby Booth on Little Jeff
