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(61 - 80 of 90)


[Mules standing by adobe building]
[Single elderly Indian man standing on boardwalk with buildings and street behind]
[Standing Indian man with hands on hips as young boy looks on behind]
Navajo Agency, Hard working Indians
Pawnee Indian, 1902
[Rock outcropping]
Agent's House, Navajo Agency, 1902
Gay-gwa-way-vin-ung, "Red Blanket" Leech Lake, Oct. 1898
[Elderly Indian woman standing behind child on boardwalk]
[Possible Apache wikiup, canvas and grasses with traces of snow on the ground]
[Large Hogan of mud brick or adobe showing entryway]
[Indian women, children, and man in line near building]
Navajo Indian, Chin Lee Valley, 1902
Pima Squaw, April 1902 [Carrying firewood in a burden basket]
[Indian men overlooking cattle butchering in corral]
[Indian man posed atop horse with three other riders behind]
[Solitary Indian man approaching dead steer to be butchered]
Pawnee School Boys, 1902 Cleaning the School Grounds
