Search results

(61 - 80 of 126)


[Happy woman with large hair bow] 1131/6
[Woman posed in ruffled dress with feather fan] 988/3
[Two women posed together in simple white gowns with heart prop] 779/2
[Two women posed together in simple white gowns with heart prop] 779/4
[Two women posed together in simple white gowns with heart prop] 779/3
[Little girl with large bird]
[Girl in costume with cookware & food, pouring water on cat]
[Man dressed in suit and top hat inside a heart shape]
Mittenwald (920 m.)
[Happy woman with hair ribbons] 686/1
[Woman posed in toga] 1817/3
[Woman posed in ruffled dress with feather fan] 988/4
[Woman posed in harem costume with pearls] 635/2
[Woman and boy in Japanese costume with lantern]
[Spanish dancer]
[Little girl with umbrella and chicken]
[Pensive woman with pulled-back hairstyle] 1815/1
Delft Holland
[Happy woman with flowers in her hair] 756/4
