Search results

(61 - 80 of 102)


Vold - Galerneau - Hussey
Jack Kirscher on "Jumping Jack" Bozeman Round-Up
Wiley McCray and Bull down at Barrell
Johnny Reynolds  Mister Chips
Winners in Bulldogging Bozeman Round-up: Yakima Canutt, Mike Hastings, Slim Caskey
Moore Family & Beeswax
Dick Smith off Buttermillk
Swede Jensen off Autumn Breeze
Dan Poore on "Bill Green" Bozeman Rodeo
Rose Smith, Donna Glover, Bonnie McCarroll, Mable Strickland, Fox Hastings, Bozeman Round-up
Jessie Coates on "Big Timber" Bozeman Round-Up
? On "Bucks" We'll say she's wild, Bozeman
Zeke & Celle  (Paper in hand #3) Pose
Lucky Don Murray off Lee Rider
Bill Dygert on Hot Springs
Rose Smith, Donna Glover, Bonnie McCarroll, Mable Strickland, Fox Hastings, Bozeman Round-Up
Zeke & Wiley McCray
Zeke & Celle  (Paper in hand #12) Pose
J.D. Mckenna  (1/200 best, 1/500)
