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(61 - 80 of 137)


Ray Mavity on "Cricket" Livingston Round Up
Jeanne Godshall
[Group of rodeo people/contestants gathered around announcer at microphone]
[Group photograph of Contestants and Performers-"Livingston Roundup"]
Jack Wade Leaving "Ox Yoke" Livingston Round-Up
Joe Crow Jr. on Juarez
Porter on "Snake Eyes" Livingston Round-Up
Roy Gafford on "One Half" Livingston Round-Up
Marvin Holmes on Miss Muffet
Doris Haynes on "Buster" Livingston, Round-Up
John Elfie Leaving "Wide Cross" Livingston Round-Up
Billy Carol Eblen
Buff Brady Jr. At The Livingston Round-Up
Pete Crump Calf Rope
[Jack Murphy riding "Painted Doll"]
Tille Bowman Trick Roping Livingston Roundup
Mitch Owens on Racketeer
Ken Ellison off Alley Oop
Bill Weeks on Blackfoot Sue
Don Roseberry on Haines Ghost
