Search results

(61 - 80 of 2,392)


Presentation of Awards, Bob Wiley
Nancy Sheppard Trick Riding
Hank Abbie off #4
Andy Womack and his Brahma End of the Trail
Jim Bob Altizer - Jack Riggs Team Roping
Harley May on Grand Prize
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Mike Brenton - Bud Baldwin Team Roping
Jim Bothum on Ruff Neck
Jack Buschbom on Osage
Connie Robinson, Lyle Smith, George Williams & Gene Pruett
Sherman Sullins Steer Wrestling
John Edwards off Snappy John
Jack Skipworth Calf Roping 22.2 sec
Dutch Martin on Walter Winchell
Gene Pruett-Jim Like-Bill Hancock-Larry Finley (Posed)
Rex Allen
Walt Mason on Unlucky
Winston Bruce & Ken McLean
Bill Kornell on #A2
