Search results

(61 - 80 of 87)


Jan Burden Barrel racing
Mark Terry on Bull #S07
Kay Bland Barrel racing
Dave Urick on Bull #-15
Don Crumpler on Bull #-5G
Monty Carson on Pack Saddle
Little Powers on Red Ryder
John Ward on C.C. Ryder
Fred Larson Steer wrestling
Troy Reynolds Calf roping
Jimmy Cooper Steer wrestling
Larry Smith Steer wrestling
Joe Eckert on Dirk's Velvet
Roy Burton Steer wrestling
Chris Horton on Bull #+23
Bill Bonner Diamond B
John Lowry Steer wrestling
Ginny Pat Smith Barrel racing
[Unidentified calf roper dismounted before crowd of spectators on bleachers]
Doug Corrington on Casper
