Search results

(621 - 640 of 157,444)


Kelly Yates Barrel racing
Bud McNeil Calf Roping
Sonny Tureman on O.P.A.
Lance Robinson Steer wrestling
Rodeo clown Jon Taylor specialty act
Unidentified group of three (3)
Vicki Minor Barrel racing
Jack Tracy on "Blue Moon" Wolf Point Stampede
Susan Whyte
Rex L. Meier Steer wrestling, 4.9 Sec
Saddling an outlaw at Custer Trail Ranch
Ki Allen specialty act
B. Brooks leaving "Red Cloud" Billings, Mont.
Skip Emmett on Sniper
Geo. Hammons Steer wrestling
Chas. Needham on High Life
Ernie Vest kids & Roy Rogers
[Unidentified Cowboy riding and staying with his mount as he heads toward the chutes]
Gene Rambo Calf Roping
