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(621 - 640 of 705)


Cajun Kid Bull Fighting
Casey Tibbs on Croppy
Jerry Smithwick off #161 Spec
Ronnie Rosser on #25
Guy Weeks on Sunflower
Dennis Hill on #70
Brandon McReynolds on Bar Y
Tex Martin on #3
C.R. Boucher Steer Wrestling
Dick Stull Steer Wrestling
Gene Kramer on Wyatt Earp
Iva Dell Jacobs on "Pretty Boy" Burwell Rodeo
Tuffy Combs on "Tip Top" Burwell Rodeo
[Little Girl, Jean Graham, standing on the side of pony which is laying on its side]
Tuffy Combs on "Grass Hopper" Burwell Rodeo
Frank McCarroll Bulldogging Burwell, Rodeo Time 5 sec.
Shorty Sutton on "Peanut" Burwell Rodeo
[Little girl, Jean Graham, sitting at the hooves of her sitting pony]
Toughy Combs Leaving "Red Bird" Burwell Rodeo
Junior Colwell on "Kayo" Burwell Rodeo
