Search results

(641 - 660 of 157,444)


Lyle Sankey on Big Shot
Benny Reynolds and Garcia Spurs
Bubba Monkers on Bull #156
[Unidentified rodeo clown performing with mule]
Kent From on Jelly Bean
Steve Gramith
J.C. Bonine on Dusty
Unidentified rider on unknown mount
Unidentified Barrel racer
Howard Belyeu on #103
Walt Linderman on Yellow Wolf  (V)
Saddle Bronc Rookie of the Year -
John Quintana on Bull #214
Geo. Mesimer on Bad News
Gene Maynard on Buckskin Joe
Albert Van Dorn on Snowman  (CB)
Bill Landolt on Hell to Set
Stephanie Pitzer Barrel racing
Ken Henry on Blue Dart
Bud Gaddy on Pokey Dot
