Search results

(6,621 - 6,640 of 6,668)


Junior Garrison Calf roping
Allen Horn on Fargo
Gene Dyson on Brown Bomber
Tom Hazeltine on Scrap Iron
Vern Hunter on Brown Jug
Unidentifiable negative
Don Sims Calf roping
Vern Hunter on I'll be Damned
Phil Lyne Steer wrestling
janet Wrede Barrel racing
Unidentified Bull rider
Ron Conatser Steer wrestling
Bo Ashorn on Bull #B10
Marvin Holmes on Red River
Junior Garrison Calf roping, 12.7 Sec
Gary Ledford Calf roping
Ronnie Cole on Red Wing
Unidentified Bull rider
Bobby Goodspeed Calf roping
David Glover on Bull #0
