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(81 - 100 of 177)


Bryan Roach on 'Silver Creek' Garden City, Kan.
That Famous Bronk 'Five Minutes to Midnight'
Bonnie McCarroll Thrown from 'Silver' Pendelton [sic], Oreg.
Ruth Roach, Florence Hughs, Bea Kirnan, Bonnie Grey, Rose Smith, Toots Griffith, Ruby Roberts
J. B. West Leaving 'Daddy Long Legs' Shawnee
[Red Sublett on Topsy]
Frank McCarroll Breaking World's Record Bulldogging, Parsons Kans. Time 7 3/5 sec.
Jack Coates Bulldogging Salt Lake City
Pat Clary Trick Riding Memphis Fair + Rodeo
Pancho Villa Tossed by Wild Brahma Bull, E Ranch Rodeo
Leonard Womack on Wild Brahma Steer
Bob Hall on Benjamin Franklin
Carl Anderson on 'Fatty Arbuckle' Okmulgee, Okla
Red Sublett on Topsy
Dave Campbell Bulldogging Livingston Round-Up
Roy Quick Bulldogging Wewoka, Rodeo
Cheyenne Kaiser shows his Heels to 'Mary Ann'
Bad Land Bill McCarty from Custe Trail Ranch, Medora, N.D. Arena Mgr. Frontier Celebration
Paddy Ryan
