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Madison Square Garden Rodeo far-L Fog Horn Clancy, far-R "Uncle" Herb Maddy
"Guess I'll fly over there!" J.E. Ranch Rodeo Waverly, N.Y.
Rodeo Ben and two customers
Jack Andrews
Joe Phillips
Rodeo History and Records, Waverly, New York
[Rodeo clown wrestling with his mule]
Charlie Hood on "Conclusion"
Fritz Truan takes time out for a dance, Madison Square Garden Rodeo
Ted Allen Worlds Champion Horse Shoe pitcher, Foghorn Clancy, Betty Allen
J.E. Ranch Rodeo early 1940's Waverly, N.Y.
Shorty Sutton, Susquehuna
J.E. Ranch Rodeo JR. Eskew hazer
J.E. Ranch Rodeo, early 40's, Bill Parks
