Search results

(81 - 100 of 138)


[Vintage restored automobile]
[A Line of Covered Wagons each drawn by a 2-mule team]
[Indian male dancer in foreground, others behind]
[Pair of male Indian dancers with others & two tipis behind]
Chapel Dedication
Chapel Dedication
[Small Indian boy standing before tipi entrance]
[Indian man and boy standing and holding hands- rear view
[Squad of marching military women]
[Indian man in full headdress with museum and spectators behind]
[View from below hill looking up toward row of flags]
[Indian dancers (men, women, & children) in line]
[View from museum interior through windows to fountains & flags]
[Mules unharnessed standing near covered wagons]
[Indian boy dancer standing in profile]
[Indians preparing to dance with tipis behind]
[Six women in a line- 4 dressed as pioneers, 2 as Indians]
[Military squad marching]
[Indian man holding smoking pipe and bowing as others look on]
[Six-team of ponies pulling small covered wagon, "Frontier City or Bust"]
