Search results

(81 - 100 of 380)


Charlie Davis & "Beeswax" Moose
Holmer Holcomb and "Orphan Annie" Wichita Falls Rodeo
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Bill Gorsee & Bull  (down)
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Virgil Stapp and his mule "Roosevelt" 708 Hawthorne St., Houston, Tex.
Clowns & Barrel Man  Bob Wilemon
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Clown Jack Long
[Unidentified rodeo clown standing by his mule]
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Howard Harper & with children
Red Sublett Famous Cowboy Clown Wichita Falls Rodeo
Bobby Clark  (Bull hits Barrel)
Homer Holcomb - Geo. Mills clowning with a Bull
