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(81 - 100 of 126)


Rex Crawford Leaving "Hell Creek" Wolf Point Stampede
Jimmie Hagen on "Jimmie the Tough" Wolf Point Stampede
Melvin Weasa on "Joe Louis" Wolf Point Stampede
Monte Montana Trick Riding Wolf Point Rodeo
Chick Dayton on "Scobey" Wolf Point Stampede
[John Sinclair on "Touch Me Not" Wolf Point Stampede]
Assiniboines Indianes Wolf Point Stampede
Jonnie Bearcub on "Bob Cat" Wolf Point Stampede
Cliff Anderson on "Midget" Wolf Point Stampede
Shirlie Hussey on "Hell Creek" Wolf Point
Al Fletcher Leaving "Kick A Mile" Wolf Point Stampede
Harry Howard Leaving "Joe Louis" Wolf Point Stampede
Elmond Anderson on "Pat Murphy" Wolf Point Stampede
Otto Cantrell Leaving "Redstone" Wolf Point Stampede
Dick Schlappert on "Mud Turtle" Wolf Point Stampede
[Lloyd Trottier riding "Jim Terry" as mounted cowboys stand by]
Jimmie Brophy on "Jay Custer" Wolf Point Stampede
Red Phalen on "Last Chance" Wolf Point Stampede
Bareback Riding "Wolf Point" Stampede
Ike Roberts on "High Noon" Wolf Point Stampede
