Search results

(941 - 960 of 157,444)


Unidentified Rodeo clowns Bull fighting
Willard Bright on Specialist  (BB)
Tom Ferguson Calf roping
Janeen Johnson Barrel racing
Edd Workman Calf roping
Larry Mahan on Bull #52
Grant Ritchey on Death Valley
Bob Graham on Black Hawk
L.C. Smith Steer wrestling
Rick Ashley on Tall Boy
Chuck Wagon
Dave Chase Steer wrestling
Joe Richmond on Teachers Pet
Slim Pickens & Film Crew Dec. 75
[Unidentified Cowboy grasping rein rope on saddle bronc as he is about to leave rear of bronc]
Chuck Anderson on Bull #444
Jack Buschbom on Harold McConnell  (Knight)
Patti Bailey Barrel racing
Unidentified Rodeo clowns Bull fighting
Randy Duda on Speck
