Search results

(1,181 - 1,200 of 157,472)


Renee Ward Barrel racing
Bull riding award presentation, unknown participants
Denny Flynn on Ring Eye
Rodeo clown Rick Young
Dixie Thomas Barrel racing
Larry Scott on Mustang Sally
Dottye Goodspeed Barrel racing
Arnold Jones on Ed Condon
Dottye Goodspeed Barrel racing
Ervin D. Williams on Bull #W2
Lewis Field on Texas Tom
Unidentified Pick-up rider in a storm with Showboat
Wild Steer Riding Kit Carson Round-Up, Trinidad, Colo.
Jerry Daniels on Diamond Lil
Walt McKittrick on Ben Milam
[Unidentified fallen cowboy from Brahma steer]
Parade, downtown North Platte, Miss Nebraska Kristin Lowenberg
Mose Sam on #33 Bull
Jim Like Bareback
