Search results

(121 - 140 of 1,178)


Bud Travis on (Yellow Dog)
Eddie Conway on Stonehead
Freddie Wood on Cheyenne
Monkey on Calf
Johnny Crethers off #10 Little Booger
Bunny Weiser on #96
Polly & June Ivory
Darlene Blackman Barrel Racing
Top calf ropers NFR '65 Okla. City
Gene Cox on #9
Jim Shoulders on Sunday School
Larry Fanning On Disaster  "Cal Poly"
Darrnell Gary on Big Mac
Don Toelle on White Pelican
Johnny Millard on Popeye
Jim Shoulders and Queen Court
Gene Clark Calf Roping
Rich Friedenberg & Leo Thorne Team Roping
Frank Burrows on #28
Bill Hartman Steer Wrestle
