Search results

(121 - 140 of 195)


Sheila Bussey, Girls Bull riding
John Wheeler on Ring Eye
Mel Hyland on Hi Ball
Doug Shipe on Billy The Kid
Geo. Mesimer on Huey
Bobby Goodspeed Calf roping
Unidentified rider on unknown mount
John Harbor on Foxy
Geo. Mesimer on Reject
Unidentified Rodeo clowns bull fighting with Bright Eyes
Randy Staley Steer wrestling
Nicky Young on Crooked River
Terry Davidson Calf roping
Dale Osborn Calf roping
Stan Christian Steer wrestling
Shella Bussey Girls Bull riding
Ken Krieger on Del Rio
Joe Lawrence Calf roping
Don Matheson Steer wrestling
John Harbor on Foxy
