Search results

(1,221 - 1,240 of 157,488)


Gib Stratton on 45C
Rick Taylor Steer wrestling
Buck Boyce on Shakey
Bronc Rumford Calf roping
Jerry Wright on Wimpy
Jerry Berry on Bull #S34
Jack Buschbom
Ricky Canton Calf roping
Bernice Taylor Under Neck
Don Endsley
Chip Whitaker Calf roping
Numa McCoin down on Hyperdermic
Randy Hugle on Bull #X52
Dave Ship on "Midnight" Wolf Point Stampede
Ross Dollarhide off Whistler
Clyde Alred Calf Roping
Alex Dick on Light Foot
[Possibly Gene Autry sits on chute gate with other cowboys watching the action]
Cecil Henley on Fast Enough
Dick Burke off Sleepy
