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(1,381 - 1,399 of 1,399)


Baby elk
Mount Shasta in winter, Shasta Route
Wm. A. Lange in the Chalmers car, presented to him by his Chicago baseball admirers
Interior San Gabriel Mission, So. California
Town of Paradise, Nevada
This Certifies that J.M. Hamilton is entitled to Two Hundred and Fifty Shares of the Capital Stock
This Certifies that J. M. Hamilton is entitled to Five Hundred Shares of the Capital Stock
This Certifies that J.M. Hamilton is entitled to Two Hundred Shares of the Capital Stock
Jim Houston on Pinto Bob  (R)
This Certifies that Edwin P. Andrus is entitled to Fifty Shares of the Capital Stock
This Certifies that E.P. Andrus Trustee is entitled to Fifty Shares of the Capital Stock
This certifies that J.M. Hamilton is entitled to Three Hundred Shares of the Capital Stock
