Search results

(141 - 160 of 1,368)


Dan Taylor
Arnold Hill on #117  Black Jack
Misc. Wilbur
Jackie Wright & Mrs. Engle
Anson Thurman  CR
Wick Peth to rescue of Newt Wright off Squaw Butte  (R)  (After Rodeo)
Enoch and Mollie Walker & baby  (Pose)
Buster on Bulls "Pokey Dot"
Bob Cook Steer Wrestling
Benny Reynolds at Steer Wrestling Chute
June Ivory - Johann Gatzman Grand Entry
John Ivory on On Trial  (R)
Toby Lugveil on  ?  (After Rodeo)
Billy Rose  CR
Dean Oliver Calf Roping
Jane Ivory  (Pose)
Tom Nesmith  (Pose)  standing by horse
Cotton Rosser  (Pose)
Billy Rose  CR
