Search results

(1,401 - 1,420 of 1,456)


Mel Weasa  (Pose)
Hank Gobbel off #28C
Jack Tibbetts on Hells Angel
Harry Tompkins
Dick Johnson Calf Roping
Willard Combs on Baby Doll
Cowboys in Bar  (Wag & Ross)
NFR Meeting, Everyone & Harry Knight
Johnny Jackson full length
Saddle without horn  (on ground)
Jackie Wright on Major Lou
Bill Hogue and Wife  (Bust)
Tom Nesmith  (Pose)  standing by horse
Lex Connelly  (Pose)
Nancy Cook  pose on horse
Pete Dixon  (Pose)
Buster Ivory - Plaid Jacket
Buster Ivory white coat - new tie
Gene Miles  (Pose)
Janie Statz foot on chute
