Search results

(148,521 - 148,540 of 157,444)


Alex Kibizoff on Rocket
Milt Graham on horse  (Phoenix)
Freckles Brown off #15  (BB)
Reporter interviewing unidentified person
Bert France on Trade Dollar
Bud Travis off Bill Bailey
Art Bradford on Dandilion
Jack Watson on #10
Bill Griffith on #160
Bill Rinestine  Pose
Clyde Frost - Cheyenne  (Juareggui)
Bill Hand on Banana Horn
Bill Lawrence on Blue Bell
Bob Orrison Steer Wrestling
Bob Henry (Copy Negative of Ripley Drawing)
Pete Crump - A63  (BB)
James Davis on #9
Les Hirdes Calf Roping
Tom Nesmith  (Pose)  standing by horse
Van Naden on Ranchway
