Search results

(149,021 - 149,040 of 157,276)


RCA Booth
R.C. Bales on #P1
Bill & Joe Holmes - Bill & Gale
Mildred Farris Barrel Race
Marty Wood on High Desert
David Shellenberger Calf Roping
Bob A. Robinson - Black Gold  (Zumwalt)
Jack Briggs on Muley
Wick Peth Bull Fighting by Helen
Ellie Lewis on Steamboat
Buckles (RCA Championship)  (2 negs)
Duane Bruce  (Pose)
Fess Reynolds & Bulls
Les Johnson on #45
Harry Charters Rookie of year (with Lex)
Les Gore on Red River
Dick Stimple on #20
John Hawkins on Dunbar
Bill Rinestine on #21
