Search results

(150,441 - 150,460 of 156,722)


Blanche Smith  (Barrel Race)
Kenneth Parker off Bee Bee
Bill Fedderson on Is That So
Bob Wegner - A2  ( ? )
Don Toelle Steer Wrestling
Jim Madland on #302
Stan Nappe on #22
Glen Fike on Raddle De Bang
harry Tompkins on #13
Guy Weeks
Leonard Lancaster on Fools Gold
RCA Directors
Wilbur Plaugher & Wife  (Pose)
Louie De Moss
Pete Baker off #32
Bob Christensen, Jack Halter, and Sherman Sullins eating supper
Quadrille  (in)
Jim Shoulders - Applejack  (Shoulders)
Leonard McCravey on Look Out
Zana Zumwalt (Powell) youngsters & Woman (Mrs. Wilbur Phillips)
