Search results

(150,961 - 150,980 of 156,722)


Markley - Summerville & Felix - Bull fighters
Q.H.  Grand Champion "Yucca King"
Joyce Mae Autry Barrel Race
Pete Crump & daughter  (Pose)
Elliott Calhoun Steer Wrestle
Hap Anderson on High Skip
Bob Robinson on Hell to Set
Jack Buschbom on Peaceful
Buster Ivory on Adam
Jim Rosier on Dirty Dan
Joanne McEnany Tail Drag
Bill Martinelli on Lucky Buck
Wayne Lewis - #11  (Elra B)
Bill Linderman on Mr. Gill
Lyle Smith on Desert Rat
Jim Palen on Snake
Bill Linderman on Gray Cup
Casey Tibbs on Snafu
Bob Robinson off Chief Tyhee
marty Wood on Baldy Down
