Search results

(152,781 - 152,800 of 155,717)


Jackie Wright on Cougar
Contestants  (Pose)
George Williams on Broken Top
3 Gals at June's Desk
Barney Willis Calf Roping
Bob A. Robinson on News Flash  (Pick-up shot)
Casey Tibbs on Red Gold
Harley May  (Dog)
Alvin Nelson
Dick McVey - K34
Duane Howard off #X28
Gene Tyler on Miss Klamath
Red Pepper #465 first Horse numbered H. Vold (2 Nos.)
Gary Lundvall off #66
Gene Curtis and Kid - Car Act
Larry Wyatt & daughter  (Connie)
Kenny McClean - Rubber Doll
Lanham Riley Calf Roping
Rocky Rockabar on #21
Zip Peterson calf roping
