Search results

(154,621 - 154,640 of 155,758)


Bob Barmby  (Pose)
Buster & June Pink Shirts
Paul Templeton on Frightful Mack
Oscar Walls Calf Roping
Eddy Akridge on Snip
Bob Robinson on Big Three
Ted Ashworth
Tommy Tibbett on Mix Master
Bob Armstrong  61
NFR Bull Ride Champ Jim Shoulders
Bob Wegner on Little Buck
Harley May on Vagabond Lady  (Crystal Ball ?)
Bill Linderman on Cattle Guard
Lyle Smith on Ten Below
Marty Woods on White Hope
Dale Smith (Pose)
Pete Crump - Dirty Girty  (Vold)
Rex Allen and Chairman
Bob Swaim on horse  posed
Tom Garvie off #0
