Search results

(156,521 - 156,540 of 156,590)


Jerome Robinson on RL
Connie Combs Barrel racing
Ronnie Procter riding Ferguson Bay
Randy Duck on unknown Bareback
Sandy Spaur Barrel racing
John Tapp on Blizzard
Terry McCutcheon Steer wrestling
Scott Brauchle on Bad Scene
Jacque Rabitte
Group photograph of 1974 MGRA Novice Barrel race winners
Barbi Scott Barrel racing
Unidentified participants in Awards presentation, Queen
Dennis Humphrey on Bull #1
Bob Blandford on Sambo
Chip Whitaker on Colt 45
Calvin Clovatre on Bull #50
Tommy Sheffield Bull fighting
J.D. Yates & Dick Yates
Unidentified Barrel racer
Unidentified Barrel racer
