Search results

(157,061 - 157,080 of 157,083)


Tom Tate on Big Enough
"Buster" the fighting Bull
J.C. Bonine on Reeves County
Pat Carrirer on Dusty Duck
Ann Bateson Barrel racing
Larry Barnes on Bull #101
Dottye Goodspeed Barrel racing
Norm Dannecker Steer wrestling, 4.2 Sec (1st)
Rodeo clown Miles Hare
Larry Mapes on Spark Plug
Bill Bayne on unknown Bull
Jody Motley Barrel racing
Rick Hayes on Copper Canyon
Jerry Olsen & Sam
Drum Majorette
Jack Duce on Wells Farge
Unidentified participants in an awards ceremony
Monty Henson on Mouse
Gary Walker on HH
Unidentified Bull rider on unknown Bull
